According to a recent article in the Austin American Statesman the employment figures for the Austin area which includes Caldwell, Bastrop, Hays, Williamson and Travis counties is 96.5%. This is the same figure as last month and it means virtually everyone who wants a job has one. These counties added over 28,000 more jobs than this time a year ago. That’s amazing and amounts to a 3% annual job growth rate which should be the envy of every city. Statewide the unemployment rate for this period rose a bit from 4.7% to 4.8% but is still below the national average of 5%. I wasn’t surprised to read that construction jobs grew by 4,800 jobs over a year ago. Just about every area around here is seeing some kind of construction work from new construction to remodeling. Professional and business services added 6,000 new jobs.
These are great reasons why owning Austin area residential real estate is a good idea and a great investment.
Rick Ebert/Austin, Texas/26 Oct 16